Central Valley Opportunity Center
About CVOC
Central Valley Opportunity Center, Inc. is a non-profit 501(c) (3) employment training
and service provider serving the California counties of Merced, Madera, and Stanislaus. CVOC is funded primarily through federal, state, and local grants to serve farmworker
and low-income populations.
Vision Statement
Our vision is that people in our communities have stable and secure futures.
Mission Statement
Our mission is to provide employment, skills training, education, and emergency services
to improve the quality of life for farm workers and underserved members in our communities.
Central Valley Opportunity Center was incorporated as a community-based corporation in May of 1979. CVOC operates numerous employment, educational, economic development, and social service programs in central California. Over the last twenty-five years, CVOC has operated major programs for the Department of Labor, Department of Community Service and Development, Department of Education, State of California, local government programs, and private foundations.
Central Valley Opportunity Center’s service area is comprised of the three counties of Stanislaus, Merced, and Madera. Located in the heart of the agriculturally rich San Joaquin Valley, this area covers 6,431 square miles; slightly more than four percent of the total land area of California. The economy of CVOC’s service area is predominantly agricultural.
Agriculture is also the leading employment sector. In addition to creating farm employment, the area’s agricultural activities stimulate jobs in food processing, transportation, light agriculture industry, and wholesale and retail trades.
CVOC services include vocational education, adult basic education, English Language instruction, housing assistance, energy payment assistance, home weatherization services, emergency supportive services, transportation, emergency food, job placement services, child care services and community education services. CVOC has effectively provided a comprehensive package of services to over a hundred thousand customers.
WIOA 167 – Migrant And Seasonal Farmworker Program
WIOA – Dislocated Agricultural Worker Program
CSBG – Migrant And Seasonal Farmworker Program
CSBG – Community Service Program
LIHEAP -- Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program
CalWORKS Job Club
HEP - High School Equivalency Program
IR/ITA- Individual Referral & Individual Training Account
Contact CVOC today and get a start on your future!
Winton Workforce • 209 • 357 • 0062
Merced Trucking • 209 • 725• 8037
Modesto Workforce • 209 • 577 • 3210
Modesto Energy Services • 209 • 338• 0004
Ceres Energy Services • 209 • 537 • 9217
Ceres Home Weatherization • 209 • 541• 0496
Patterson • 209 • 695• 3050
Madera Workforce • 559 • 662 • 0100
Madera Trucking & Welding • 559 • 330• 0170
Central Valley Opportunity Center, Inc. is an Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action/At-Will Employer.