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Central Valley Opportunity Center, Inc. is a non-profit 501(c) (3) employment training

and service provider serving the California counties of Merced, Madera, and Stanislaus. CVOC is funded primarily through federal, state and local grants to serve farm worker

and low-income populations.


Vision Statement


Our vision is that people in our communities have stable and secure futures.


Mission Statement


Our mission is to provide employment, skills training, education, and emergency services

to improve the quality of life for farmworkers and underserved members in our communities.

Programs and Services

WIOA 167 – Migrant And Seasonal Farmworker Program

WIOA – Dislocated Agricultural Worker Program

CSBG – Migrant And Seasonal Farmworker Program


CSBG – Community Service Program


• LIHEAP -- Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program


CalWORKS Job Club


HEP - High School Equivalency Program


• IR/ITA- Individual Referral & Individual Training Account



Success Stories


Jose L. Delgado arrived in the Central Valley from Zacatecas, Mexico in 2014. Like many others facing struggles and a language barrier, Jose strived for a better quality of life. He worked his way up and suddenly doors began opening and opportunities presenting themselves. more...


Maria Lopez came to CVOC after being laid off from her job of 30 years with Seneca Foods Corporation. With help from CVOC and the goals she accomplished, Maria would bounce back in no time being able to provide for her family. more...


For Josefina and Panfilo Ramirez, income and lack of steady work were setbacks. CVOC stepped in and took charge to make sure they were assisted and found opportunities that could not have happened without CVOC's help. more...  


Jesus Fernandez has demonstrated an intense drive to succeed in becoming a commercial truck driver.  Jesus grew up in the Central Valley working in the fields along with his parents and siblings.  From an early age, he realized he needed to do something else. more...

Central Valley Opportunity Center, Inc. is an Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action/At-Will Employer. 

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