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Executive Director



Welcome to the refreshed website for Central Valley Opportunity Center (CVOC) where our focus is Helping People…Changing Lives.  I am excited to be the Executive Director at Central Valley Opportunity Center.  Each time I walk the halls of our offices and classrooms, I am reminded that CVOC is a uniquely caring, welcoming place for our students and clients to grow and learn.  I am inspired by what I see on a daily basis and I’m proud to be a part of the CVOC team.  As one of our stakeholders and visitors to our website, you obviously feel the same.


I’ve learned a great deal over the years and my promise to our staff, the community we serve and to those that support CVOC is that I will continue to grow, reflect and adapt as long as I serve in this role.  I expect and hope to always be challenged and to continue to be well prepared to lead our organization into the future.  I appreciate all of the support and guidance I have received and continue to receive from our Board of Directors, our amazing staff, and our funding sources that support us and allow us to advocate for our community.


There is much more that I am excited about as we work our way through another year of “Helping People…Changing Lives”.  In closing, I’d like to thank you for choosing to learn about CVOC, the services that we provide and for visiting our website.  Don’t forget to sign up for our newsletter!




I am excited to be the Executive Director at Central Valley Opportunity Center.  Each time I walk the halls of our offices an

Jorge De Nava Jr., Executive Director

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